10 Things You Need to Sacrifice If You Want To Become a Successful Entrepreneur

Asad Hanif
3 min readNov 26, 2020


Successful Entrepreneur Sacrifices

Every entrepreneur starts the journey of financial freedom with big dreams and excitement. As an entrepreneur, you don’t have to follow someone else’s order. You will have control of your destiny, and with the right skill set, creative ideas, and unflinching dedication, you can build revenue or establish an enterprise to serve your legacy.

It is the bright side of entrepreneurship, but unfortunately, it also has a darker side. Nothing comes without a price; similarly, entrepreneurship demands sacrifices, and if you’re not willing to make those sacrifices, you’ll never be able to get success.

Business is a give and take process; the more you invest, the more you’ll reap the rewards. Following are the 10 sacrifices that every entrepreneur needs to make:

1. Stability

As an entrepreneur, you start a new venture, and there’s no guarantee that you’re going to succeed. Even if your ideas are solid, you can’t tell which direction your business is heading until you’re into running things for several months or often much longer.

To follow this routine, you may have to sacrifice your well-paying and stable job along with some other kind of stability.

2. Sleep

Sleep is vitally crucial, but no matter how hard you try to maintain healthy sleeping habits, you’ll have to sacrifice some sleep to run your business. Your sleeping habits will definitely change when you become an entrepreneur.

3. Comfort

Morgan Freeman once said that fatigue, discomfort, and discouragement are symptoms of effort. Being an entrepreneur means you need to step out of your comfort zone, often multiple times daily.

If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, approach uncomfortable situations with a degree of excitement and confidence.

4. Free Time

An entrepreneur has to sacrifice all of his/her free time to spend more hours working and building something they will be proud of. For a long period, you wouldn’t be able to enjoy quality time with your family or yourself.

5. Money

Henry Ford once said that money is like an arm or leg, use it, or lose it. For starting a business, you’ll have to sacrifice a lot of money both in the short term and long term.

6. Possessions

You need investment for starting a business, and for this, you might need to sell any possessions you don’t need.

You might have some unneeded, unused, and unwanted belongings in your house, and it’s time to sell all those possessions.

7. Regular Schedule

An entrepreneur needs to be highly flexible and never expect things to go as planned. You’ll face an irregular schedule daily, and for this, you’ll need to improve your time management skills.

8. Family

Johnny Depp once said that family is the only real wealth, but you have to sacrifice this wealth for the sake of your business.

When you become an entrepreneur, the line between your working life and your personal life splits. But you need to balance your work priorities and personal priorities.

9. Health

As an entrepreneur, when you have to spend your whole time establishing your business, you wouldn’t get time to take care of your health.

10. Social Life

If you want your business to be successful, it means you’ll have to work for more hours and your social life withers. But one shouldn’t completely sacrifice social life.

Plan properly to work hard along with maintaining open communication with friends and family.

Before starting your entrepreneurship journey, prepare yourself mentally and practically for all these sacrifices. Accept these challenges, manage them, and plan how to accommodate them.



Asad Hanif
Asad Hanif

Written by Asad Hanif


His enthusiasm for winning on problems and creating possibilities comes from his childhood dreams which he utilizes to paves his way into realities.

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